Muktinath - Nepal Travel Book

Saturday, January 10, 2015


The famous temple of lord Muktinath lies in the mustang District. This temple is situated on a high mountain range and is visited during fair weather. This is one of the important places of pilrimage for the Hindu and the devotees gather there to pay homage to lord Muktinath during the Janai Poornima and Ram Navami festivals.

Muktinath is situated about 18 km north east of Jomsom at an altitude about 3749m. There are two ways to get to Muktinath. The first way is to take a direct flight to Jomsom and hike for a couple of hour vie Kagbeni. The other is the starting point for trek all the way from Pokhara and it takes about 13 to 15 days. Trekkers are not allowed to proceed beyond Kagbeni and the high trails from Jomson to Tilicho is also restricted.

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