Daily Life in Kirtipur - Nepal Travel Book

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Daily Life in Kirtipur

Daily Life in Kritipur

The daily life of the people of Kirtipur has widely maintained its originality and is mirroring the centuries old traditions and rituals of the Newar culture. The tourist feels shifted himself into times passed long ago -an ideal place for relaxing in a fairly authentic Newar settlement away from the hectic of the near by capital Kathmandu.
Daily Life in Kritipur
The majority of people in Kirtipur are farmers or craftsmen of different kind. The families make a living by small rice acres of their own in the plains around Kirtipur.
During harvest the rice will be dried everywhere in the alleys of Kirtipur. This is not the only hard work done by the women who like to meet in front of their houses for a chat.

Daily Life in Kritipur
Water pipes are rare in the houses of Kirtipur. Therefore hygiene takes place in front of the houses or at the public wells but now there are taps in their own houses in most of the areas.
Daily Life in Kritipur
The pilgrims shelter in front of the temples are used by the elder generation men to play traditional music in the mornings.
During festivals people meet in the evenings to commonly perform religious songs under the guidance of a priest.

Daily Life in Kritipur
Hospitality is a major part of the character of the Newari society. On the occasion of numerous religious and family festivals large feasts are arranged for hundreds of guests. Only after the men and boy are fed the women are allowed to eat.
Daily Life in Kritipur
Especially in Kirtipur the women are bound to keep up the numerous traditions of Newar culture.