Things To Do in Pokhara - Nepal Travel Book

Monday, January 12, 2015

Things To Do in Pokhara

Pokhara Valley has in recent years grown as a destination for adventure sports such as paragliding and ultra-light aircraft flights. And with boating, bird watching, trekking and mountain biking as other attractions, Pokhara has it all.

Nothing quite compares to the thrill of exploring the valley on a motorbike. With natural beauty abounding around Pokhara, the ride is adventure packed with thrills and excitement. The friendly locals make the trip delightful and one can venture anywhere in the unrestricted valley. All you need for a great time is a good bike and a reliable map.

Pokhara’s Phewa Lake naturally draws visitors towards it. Easily the best means of recreation, boating is a favorite pastime which one can enjoy any time of day. The other two lakes, Begnas and Rupa, are located 15 km out of Pokhara. Less visited but no less beautiful, both these lakes are excellent for boating and fishing.

Go up in an ultra-light aircraft and get a sweeping bird’s eye view of the entire Pokhara Valley. It is an exhilarating ride that allows unhindered views of the mountains and the scenic lakes far below. Ultra-light flights are operated from Pokhara Airport beginning September through June.

Paragliding is perhaps the most rewarding of short duration adventure sports given the fact that there is nothing between you and the scenery unfolding before you. In the distance lie the majestic Himalayas and down below are the villages, monasteries, temples, lakes and jungles, a truly bird’s eye view and a fascinating one at that.

Pokhara has the space and climate suitable for golf, and the sport was introduced here many years ago. There are two world-class golf courses in Pokhara.

It is a delightful way of getting around Pokhara. Rides are organized by operators for valley and the surrounding hills.

Nepal’s rivers rank high in the world of white-water rafting, and Pokhara is ideally situated for raft trips along its rivers. The most popular river for rafting is the Trishuli River, which flows along the Kathmandu-Pokhara highway. Equally good with plenty of exciting rapids are the Kali Gandaki and Seti rivers.

Take to the countryside where you can ride through lush green fields, delightful little hamlets, up and down the hills, along river banks, around temples, over suspension bridges and along the highway. Mountain bikes can be easily rented from any of the numerous bicycle rental shops in and around the city.

There are hiking destinations around Pokhara for those constrained by time to go on longer popular treks to the Annapurna Circuit.

It (1,592 m) is a former Kaski fort atop a hill 5 km west of the old bazaar. Overnight visit to Sarangkot offers a grandstand view of sunset and sunrise over the Annapurnas.

It (1,500 m) lies about three hours from Sarangkot or 15 km west from Pokhara. It is a soft walk through green hills and ancient ruins with good views of Phewa Lake, Pokhara Valley and the mountains.

KAHUNDANDA (1,520 m):
To the northeast of Pokhara, is a ruined fort on the summit with a view tower that offers spectacular scenery. It is an opportunity to walk though deciduous forests and savor rural life. Spectacular views of the Seti River and sunrise and sunset are the high points.

A five-hour walk to the north of Pokhara, is a typical Gurung village and is one of the region’s oldest settlements.

It is a small village nestled on the southern slopes of a ridge at 1,700 m. The village is a 5-hour walk from Pokhara, about 20 km to the northeast. The village inhabited by the Gurungs is small and compact with neat and clean trails connecting the mainly stone and slate-built houses. Sirubari won the PATA GOLD Award in 2001 for its initiative to preserve heritage and culture.

Photo: World Link Adventure

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