Boating / Fishing / Angling - Nepal Travel Book

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Boating / Fishing / Angling

Boating is a common form of transport in the lowlands and the Terai in Nepal. Leisure boating can be done at various locations. Pokhara with its many lakes is the most popular for boating activities. The city’s beautiful lakes – Phewa, Begnas and Rupa – provide enough space for numerous boating experiences. Traditional canoe-style boating can be done in the Narayani and Rapti Rivers in Chitwan.

Angling is gaining popularity in Nepal as a water sport. Approximately 118 varieties of freshwater fish are found in the Himalayan rivers ranging from the much sought after Mahseer to the mountain stream trout varieties. Fishing trips on white waters are generally organized before and after the monsoons from February through April and October through November.