Animals - Nepal Travel Book

Sunday, January 18, 2015


The Asiatic Elephant is found in great numbers in the Royal Bardia National Park in western Nepal. This park is on a traditional elephant migratory route from the western Terai to Corbett National Park in India.The one horned Rhinoceros can be found in the parks along the Terai. There are very few buffalo left in the wild (unlide parts of Africa) although there is a small herd near the Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve in the eastern Terai. The tiger is an endangered species, and the leopard or panther is even more elusive. And again most elusive is the snow leopard the mammal of fables, stories and novels and rare sightings.Other animals include sloth bear, monkeys, langur, lesser panda, chital or spotted deer, barking deer, and the musk deer (in small numbers in the middle hills).
In the Sukla Phanta Wildlife Reserve in the south west corner of Nepal there are herds of swamp deer, with the black buck fournd in the Bardia sregion. Near Lumbini the Blue Bull Antelope or Nilgai has made a comeback from 2-5 animals in the early 1990's to nearly 200.The wild dog, the golden jackal and the striped hyena are there too throughout Nepal. And the ubiquitous wild boar, a meat favoured by the Nepalese at festival time.All the National parks of Nepal have a variety of these animals and it is possible to have specific journeys designed to sight some of these but as to whether you will see the more elusive felines, that will be a matter of luck.

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